#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/bin/fix-db.py,v 1.8 2004/10/11 04:01:00 jstubbs Exp $ import os,sys,re sys.path = ["/usr/lib/portage/pym"]+sys.path from stat import * from output import * from portage import lockfile,unlockfile,VDB_PATH,root mylog = open("/var/log/emerge_fix-db.log", "a") def writemsg(msg): if msg[-1] != '\n': msg += "\n" sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.stderr.flush() mylog.write(msg) mylog.flush() def fix_global_counter(value): myf = open("/var/cache/edb/counter") newvalue = value+1000 myf.write(str(newvalue)) myf.flush() myf.close() return newvalue bad = {} counters = {} times = {} try: real_counter = long(open("/var/cache/edb/counter").read()) except SystemExit, e: raise # This needs to be propogated except: writemsg("ERROR: Real counter is invalid.\n") real_counter = 0 vardbdir = root+VDB_PATH+"/" for cat in os.listdir(vardbdir): catdir = vardbdir+cat+"/" if not os.path.isdir(catdir): writemsg("Invalid file: '%s'\n" % catdir[:-1]) continue for pkg in os.listdir(catdir): pkgdir = catdir+pkg+"/" catpkg = cat+"/"+pkg if not os.path.isdir(catdir): writemsg("Invalid file: '%s'\n" % pkgdir) continue bad[catpkg] = [] pkgdirlist = os.listdir(pkgdir) if not pkgdirlist: writemsg("ERROR: Package directory is empty for '%s'\n" % catpkg) writemsg(" Deleting this directory. Remerge if you want it back.\n") os.rmdir(pkgdir) del bad[catpkg] continue if "CONTENTS" not in pkgdirlist: bad[catpkg] += ["CONTENTS is missing"] times[catpkg] = -1 writemsg("ERROR: Contents file is missing from the package directory.\n") writemsg(" '%s' is corrupt and should be deleted.\n" % catpkg) else: times[catpkg] = None for line in open(pkgdir+"CONTENTS").readlines(): mysplit = line.split() if mysplit[0] == "obj": try: times[catpkg] = long(mysplit[-1]) except SystemExit, e: raise # This needs to be propogated except: times[catpkg] = -1 bad[catpkg] += ["CONTENTS is corrupt"] writemsg("ERROR: Corrupt CONTENTS file in '%s'\n" % catpkg) writemsg(" This package should be deleted.\n") break if times[catpkg] == None: times[catpkg] = os.stat(pkgdir+"CONTENTS")[ST_MTIME] if "COUNTER" not in pkgdirlist: bad[catpkg] += ["COUNTER is missing"] writemsg("ERROR: COUNTER file missing from '%s'.\n" % catpkg) counters[catpkg] = -1 else: try: counters[catpkg] = long(open(pkgdir+"COUNTER").read().strip()) if counters[catpkg] > real_counter: writemsg("ERROR: Global counter is lower than the '%s' COUNTER." % catpkg) real_counter = fix_global_counter(counters[catpkg]) except SystemExit, e: raise # This needs to be propogated except: bad[catpkg] += ["COUNTER is corrupt"] counters[catpkg] = -1 if "SLOT" not in pkgdirlist: writemsg("ERROR: SLOT file missing from '%s'.\n" % catpkg) writemsg(" RE-MERGE this exact package version or unmerge and remerge.\n") bad[catpkg] += ["SLOT is missing"] else: myslot = open(pkgdir+"SLOT").read() if myslot and myslot[-1]=="\n": #writemsg("WARN: SLOT file has a newline. '%s'\n" % catpkg) myslot = myslot[:-1] if not myslot: bad[catpkg] += ["SLOT is empty"] writemsg("ERROR: SLOT file is empty for '%s'.\n" % catpkg) writemsg(" RE-MERGE this exact package version or unmerge and remerge it.\n") elif re.search("[^-a-zA-Z0-9\._]", myslot): bad[catpkg] += ["SLOT is corrupt"] writemsg("ERROR: SLOT file is corrupt for '%s'.\n" % catpkg) writemsg(" RE-MERGE this exact package version or unmerge and remerge it.\n") elif myslot.strip() != myslot: writemsg("WARN: SLOT file has invalid characters. '%s'\n" % catpkg) bad[catpkg] += ["SLOT is invalid"] if not bad[catpkg]: del bad[catpkg] actions = {} writemsg("\n\n") for catpkg in bad.keys(): bad[catpkg].sort() mystr = "" for x in bad[catpkg]: mystr += " "+str(x)+"\n" if bad[catpkg] == ["CONTENTS is missing", "SLOT is missing"]: writemsg("%s: (possibly injected)\n%s\n" % (green(catpkg), mystr)) actions[catpkg] = ["ignore"] elif bad[catpkg] == ["SLOT is empty"]: writemsg("%s: (old package) []\n%s\n" % (yellow(catpkg), mystr)) actions[catpkg] = ["remerge"] else: writemsg("%s: (damaged/invalid) []\n%s\n" % (red(catpkg), mystr)) actions[catpkg] = ["merge exact"] if (len(sys.argv) > 1) and (sys.argv[1] == "--fix"): writemsg("These are only directions, at the moment.") for catpkg in actions.keys(): action = actions[catpkg] writemsg("We will now '%s' '%s'..." % (action, catpkg)) #if action == else: #writemsg("Run with '--fix' to attempt automatic correction.") pass