#!/usr/bin/env python # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This script is used to extract Opera and Chromium versions from the Opera changelog (blog) # This is incomplete data, so we need to fill in the gaps with the Chromium version from the previous known version # The intent here is to have _some_ sort of datasource to identify a potentially-fixed version of Opera based on # the Chromium version it includes. # High level logic: # We can fetch the opera blog posts that relate to a major version of Opera as long as they don't change their URIs. # We iterate over H4 elements to get the Opera version (and date, though we throw that away) # We then iterate over child elements until we find an "Update Chromium" entry, which we can use to get the # Chromium version (in which case we bail early) Or we exhaust the children and give up. # Lather, rinse, repeat. import argparse, dataclasses import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from packaging.version import Version @dataclasses.dataclass class OperaChromiumVersion: opera_version: Version chromium_version: Version def __str__(self): chromium_version_str = 'unknown' if self.chromium_version == Version('') else str(self.chromium_version) return f"Opera Version: {self.opera_version}, Chromium Version: {chromium_version_str}" def get_opera_chromium_versions(base_url, start_version, end_version): """ Extracts Opera and Chromium versions from the given base URL with version placeholders, parsing content sections for versions from start_version to end_version (inclusive). Args: base_url: The base URL for Opera changelogs with a version placeholder (e.g., "https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-{version}/"). start_version: The starting version to extract information for (inclusive). end_version: The ending version to extract information for (inclusive). Returns: A list of OperaChromiumVersion objects containing the extracted version information. """ versions: list[OperaChromiumVersion] = [] for version in range(start_version, end_version + 1): url = base_url.format(version) print(f"Processing version {version}") try: # Set a timeout to avoid hanging requests response = requests.get(url, timeout=5) response.raise_for_status() # Raise exception for non-200 status codes soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') content = soup.find('div', class_='content') # Iterate through each section starting with an H4 element for section in content.find_all('h4'): chromium_version = None version_str, date_str = section.text.strip().split(' – ') # Process all content elements (including nested ones) until the next H4 next_sibling = section.find_next_sibling( lambda tag: tag.name is not None) # Skip text nodes # Process content elements update_found = False while next_sibling and next_sibling.name != 'h4': if next_sibling.name == 'ul': for el in next_sibling.find_all('li'): if 'Update Chromium' in el.text.strip(): update_found = True break # Stop iterating after finding update # Assign Chromium version only if update is found if update_found: chromium_version = el.text.strip().split()[-1] next_sibling = next_sibling.find_next_sibling( lambda tag: tag.name is not None) # Skip text nodes # Handle missing Chromium version if not chromium_version: chromium_version = '' versions.append(OperaChromiumVersion( Version(version_str), Version(chromium_version) )) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: if e.args and e.args[0] == 404: print(f"Version {version} not found (404)") else: print(f"Error fetching data for version {version}: {e}") chromium_version = None # Reset chromium_version for next iteration except Exception as e: # Catch other unexpected exceptions print(f"Unexpected error: {e}") chromium_version = None # Reset chromium_version for next iteration # We're broadly sorted by major version, but within each major version we get newer entries first # Sort by Opera version to get the correct order sorted_versions = sorted(versions, key=lambda x: x.opera_version) return sorted_versions def remediate_unknown_versions(versions): """ Remediates entries with '' values in the versions dictionary by assuming no change from the previous known version. Args: versions: A list of OperaChromiumVersion objects containing the extracted version information. Returns: A list of OperaChromiumVersion objects with '' values replaced by the previous known version if available. """ previous_version: Version = Version('') fixed_versions: list[OperaChromiumVersion] = [] for mapping in versions: if mapping.chromium_version == Version('') and previous_version is not Version(''): # Update with previous version fixed_versions.append(OperaChromiumVersion(mapping.opera_version, previous_version)) else: # This should be fine, we're always parsing from oldest to newest if previous_version < mapping.chromium_version: previous_version = mapping.chromium_version fixed_versions.append(mapping) return fixed_versions def parse_arguments(): """ Parses the command line arguments and returns the parsed values. Returns: The parsed command line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get Opera and Chromium versions.') parser.add_argument('start_ver', type=int, help='starting version', default=110) parser.add_argument('end_ver', type=int, help='ending version', default=115) return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_arguments() # Base URL with version placeholder base_url = "https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-{}/" opera_chromium_versions = get_opera_chromium_versions(base_url, args.start_ver, args.end_ver) fixed_versions = remediate_unknown_versions(opera_chromium_versions) # Print the versions if fixed_versions: for mapping in fixed_versions: print(mapping) else: print("Failed to extract any versions.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()