import web import json import uuid import re import StringIO import base64 from portage.versions import catpkgsplit # matplotlib requires a writable home directory import os os.environ['HOME'] = '/tmp' from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure def is_uuid(uuid): """ Check uuid validity """ regex = re.compile(r'^(\w{8})-(\w{4})-(\w{4})-(\w{4})-(\w{12})$') return def uuidbin(string): """ Convert uuid string to raw bytes """ u = uuid.UUID(string) return u.bytes def pkgsplit(pkgname): """ Custom pkgsplit """ cpv={'cat':'','pkg':'','ver':''} cpvr = catpkgsplit(pkgname) if cpvr is None: pkgsplit = pkgname.split('/') cpv['cat'] = pkgsplit[0] cpv['pkg'] = pkgsplit[1] else: cpv['cat'] = cpvr[0] cpv['pkg'] = cpvr[1] cpv['ver'] = cpvr[2] if cpvr[3] != 'r0': cpv['ver'] = cpv['ver'] + '-' + cpvr[3] return cpv def get_kwkey(db, keyword): """ Lookup keyword and return index key. Insert keyword if not found. """ if keyword is None: return None db_keyword ='KEYWORDS', vars={'keyword':keyword}, where='KEYWORD=$keyword') if len(db_keyword): kwkey = db_keyword[0]['KWKEY'] else: kwkey = db.insert('KEYWORDS', KEYWORD=keyword) return kwkey def get_lkey(db, lang): """ Lookup lang and return index key. Insert lang if not found. """ if lang is None: return None db_lang ='LANG', vars={'lang':lang}, where='LANG=$lang') if len(db_lang): lkey = db_lang[0]['LKEY'] else: lkey = db.insert('LANG', LANG=lang) return lkey def get_fkey(db, feature): """ Lookup feature and return index key. Insert feature if not found. """ if feature is None: return None db_feature ='FEATURES', vars={'feature':feature}, where='FEATURE=$feature') if len(db_feature): fkey = db_feature[0]['FKEY'] else: fkey = db.insert('FEATURES', FEATURE=feature) return fkey def get_mkey(db, mirror): """ Lookup mirror and return index key. Insert mirror if not found. """ if mirror is None: return None db_mirror ='GENTOO_MIRRORS', vars={'mirror':mirror}, where='MIRROR=$mirror') if len(db_mirror): mkey = db_mirror[0]['MKEY'] else: mkey = db.insert('GENTOO_MIRRORS', MIRROR=mirror) return mkey def get_ukey(db, useflag): """ Lookup useflag and return index key. Insert useflag if not found. """ if useflag is None: return None db_useflag ='USEFLAGS', vars={'useflag':useflag}, where='USEFLAG=$useflag') if len(db_useflag): ukey = db_useflag[0]['UKEY'] else: ukey = db.insert('USEFLAGS', USEFLAG=useflag) return ukey def get_pkey(db, package): """ Lookup package and return index key. Insert package if not found. """ if package is None: return None cpv = pkgsplit(package) db_package ='PACKAGES', vars=cpv, where='CAT=$cat and PKG=$pkg and VER=$ver') if len(db_package): pkey = db_package[0]['PKEY'] else: pkey = db.insert('PACKAGES', CAT=cpv['cat'], PKG=cpv['pkg'], VER=cpv['ver']) return pkey def get_rkey(db, repo): """ Lookup repo and return index key. Insert repo if not found. """ if repo is None: return None db_repo ='REPOSITORIES', vars={'repo':repo}, where='REPO=$repo') if len(db_repo): rkey = db_repo[0]['RKEY'] else: rkey = db.insert('REPOSITORIES', REPO=repo) return rkey def is_json_request(): """ Check for json headers """ return web.ctx.environ['HTTP_ACCEPT'].find('json') != -1 def serialize(object, human=True): """ Encode object in json """ if human: indent = 2 else: indent = None return json.JSONEncoder(indent=indent).encode(object) def barchart(title, x_label, x_ticklabels, y_label, y_values): """ Generate a barchart and return base64 encoded image data """ fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) ind = range(len(y_values)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) ax.set_xticks(ind) ax.set_xticklabels(x_ticklabels), y_values, align='center') ret = StringIO.StringIO() canvas.print_figure(ret) return base64.b64encode(ret.getvalue())