Notes for IPv6

If you are using libc5, you may need to edit the Makefile so that
libinet6 is linked in and your IPv6 include files are found in the
right place.  The definitions in question are at about line 91.  You may
also find that the header files provided with inet6-apps are not exactly
what net-tools expects.  This is not a bug in net-tools as such and will
not be fixed in future releases (though if anybody would like to contribute
a patch I would be happy to add a pointer to it here.)  If you have the
option you might consider changing to glibc instead (see below) in which
case you can use the header files supplied with the C library.

If you use glibc, you should ensure that you have version 2.1 or later
installed.  The 2.1 release is available from
< among> other places.  With this
version of the C library there should be no need to edit the Makefile
or apply any patches to net-tools.

Version 2.0 of glibc has no support for IPv6; patches did exist at one
point but they are now seriously outdated.  Instead you should upgrade
to glibc 2.1.


"ifconfig eth0 add ..." does not currently auto-load the IPv6 module.