# ChangeLog for dev-php/propel-runtime # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-php/propel-runtime/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2013/08/17 01:13:00 patrick Exp $ 17 Aug 2013; Patrick Lauer -propel-runtime-1.5.1.ebuild: QA: Punt version with broken deps 15 May 2013; Ole Markus With propel-runtime-1.6.4.ebuild: Fix dependency on php's xsl extensionls 03 Jul 2012; Matti Bickel propel-runtime-1.5.1.ebuild, propel-runtime-1.6.4.ebuild: depend.php function calls are superflous in this case *propel-runtime-1.6.4 (31 Jan 2012) 31 Jan 2012; Ole Markus With +propel-runtime-1.6.4.ebuild: Version bump and URL fix. Bug 394783 01 Jun 2010; -propel-runtime-1.2.1.ebuild: remove old *propel-runtime-1.5.1 (29 May 2010) 29 May 2010; -propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta2.ebuild, -propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta3.ebuild, -propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta4.ebuild, +propel-runtime-1.5.1.ebuild: version bump, depends on dev-php/pear-1.9.0-1 because of pear channel name change *propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta4 (26 Feb 2008) 26 Feb 2008; Raúl Porcel +propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta4.ebuild: Version bump, import from the php overlay 19 Feb 2008; Jakub Moc +propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta4.ebuild: Version bump *propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta3 (24 Dec 2007) 24 Dec 2007; Raúl Porcel +propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta3.ebuild: Version bump from the php-overlay 21 Dec 2007; Jakub Moc +propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta3.ebuild: Version bump *propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta2 (20 Mar 2007) 20 Mar 2007; Luca Longinotti +propel-runtime-1.3.0_beta2.ebuild: Version bump. 18 Mar 2007; Luca Longinotti propel-runtime-1.2.1.ebuild: Fix DEPs. *propel-runtime-1.2.1 (18 Mar 2007) 18 Mar 2007; Luca Longinotti metadata.xml, -propel-runtime-1.2.0.ebuild, +propel-runtime-1.2.1.ebuild: Cleanup, version bump. *propel-runtime-1.2.0 (20 Sep 2006) 20 Sep 2006; Sebastian Bergmann -propel-runtime-1.1.1.ebuild, -propel-runtime-1.2.0_rc2.ebuild, +propel-runtime-1.2.0.ebuild: Version bump. *propel-runtime-1.2.0_rc2 (19 Sep 2006) 19 Sep 2006; Sebastian Bergmann +propel-runtime-1.2.0_rc2.ebuild: Version bump. 01 Jan 2006; Sebastian Bergmann +metadata.xml, +propel-runtime-1.1.1.ebuild: Moved from dev-php/propel-runtime to dev-php5/propel-runtime. 12 Oct 2005; Gustavo Felisberto ; propel-runtime-1.1.1.ebuild: Added ~amd64 to KEYWORDS *propel-runtime-1.1.1 (18 Sep 2005) 18 Sep 2005; Sebastian Bergmann -propel-runtime-1.1.0.ebuild, +propel-runtime-1.1.1.ebuild: Version bump. 10 Sep 2005; Sebastian Bergmann propel-runtime-1.1.0.ebuild: Use new PEAR eclass. 10 Sep 2005; Sebastian Bergmann propel-runtime-1.1.0.ebuild: Fix (R)DEPEND, KEYWORDS. 07 Sep 2005; Sebastian Bergmann propel-runtime-1.1.0.ebuild: Changed RDEPEND from dev-php/php-5 to dev-lang/php-5. 18 Apr 2005; Sebastian Bergmann -propel-runtime-1.0.0.ebuild: Remove old version. 12 Apr 2005; Sebastian Bergmann propel-runtime-1.1.0.ebuild: Correct RDEPEND. *propel-runtime-1.1.0 (12 Apr 2005) 12 Apr 2005; Sebastian Bergmann +propel-runtime-1.1.0.ebuild: Version bump. *propel-runtime-1.0.0 (15 Mar 2005) 15 Mar 2005; Sebastian Bergmann +metadata.xml, +propel-runtime-1.0.0.ebuild: New ebuild.