# ChangeLog for dev-tinyos/nesc # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-tinyos/nesc/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2010/02/06 11:56:50 ulm Exp $ 06 Feb 2010; Ulrich Mueller nesc-1.2.7a.ebuild, nesc-1.2.8.ebuild, nesc-1.2.8a.ebuild: Fix LICENSE, bug 301123. 05 Mar 2007; Sandro Bonazzola ChangeLog: Removing myself from metadata.xml as I'm stepping back. *nesc-1.2.8a (26 Dec 2006) 26 Dec 2006; Sandro Bonazzola +nesc-1.2.8a.ebuild: Version bump. *nesc-1.2.8 (04 Dec 2006) 04 Dec 2006; Sandro Bonazzola +nesc-1.2.8.ebuild: Version bumped (bug #156856). It includes upstream bug fix for bug #145870. Thanks to Aurélien for the report and testing. 14 Nov 2006; Sandro Bonazzola +files/nesc-1.2.7a-alignment.patch, -nesc-1.2.4-r1.ebuild, -nesc-1.2.5-r1.ebuild, nesc-1.2.7a.ebuild: Removing obsolete versions. Inheriting java-pkg-2 avoiding errors with a JRE as VM. Adding patch provided by Aurélien Francillon fixing bug #145870. Keywording ~amd64. 10 Aug 2006; Sandro Bonazzola nesc-1.2.7a.ebuild: Fix missing dependency on media-gfx/graphviz, add some info about editor modes for nesc language. Thanks to Aurélien for the reports and testing. *nesc-1.2.7a (09 Aug 2006) 09 Aug 2006; Sandro Bonazzola -nesc-1.2.6-r1.ebuild, +nesc-1.2.7a.ebuild: Version bump. Should fix bug #142263. 09 Aug 2006; Sandro Bonazzola nesc-1.2.6-r1.ebuild: Masking due to bug #142263. Still here untill I can produce a 1.2.7a ebuild. *nesc-1.2.6-r1 (20 Jul 2006) *nesc-1.2.5-r1 (20 Jul 2006) *nesc-1.2.4-r1 (20 Jul 2006) 20 Jul 2006; Sandro Bonazzola -nesc-1.2.1.ebuild, -nesc-1.2.2.ebuild, -nesc-1.2.3.ebuild, -nesc-1.2.4.ebuild, +nesc-1.2.4-r1.ebuild, -nesc-1.2.5.ebuild, +nesc-1.2.5-r1.ebuild, -nesc-1.2.6.ebuild, +nesc-1.2.6-r1.ebuild: Removing old ebuilds. Adding runtime dependency on dev-perl/XML-Simple, fixing bug #141176. Thanks to Aurélien Francillon for reporting. Bumping ebuild revisions due to runtime dependency changed. *nesc-1.2.6 (18 Jun 2006) *nesc-1.2.5 (18 Jun 2006) 18 Jun 2006; Sandro Bonazzola +nesc-1.2.5.ebuild, +nesc-1.2.6.ebuild: Versions bump. 13 Mar 2006; Sandro Bonazzola metadata.xml, nesc-1.2.1.ebuild: Fix RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" warning, thanks to Daniel Ahlberg for gentoo.tampered.net. *nesc-1.2.4 (03 Feb 2006) 03 Feb 2006; Sandro Bonazzola +nesc-1.2.4.ebuild: Version bump. Bugfix release. *nesc-1.2.3 (02 Feb 2006) 02 Feb 2006; Sandro Bonazzola +nesc-1.2.3.ebuild: Version bump. Bugfix release. *nesc-1.2.2 (29 Jan 2006) 29 Jan 2006; Sandro Bonazzola +nesc-1.2.2.ebuild: Version bump. Adding virtual/jdk to DEPEND and virtual/jre to RDEPEND as required. 22 Jan 2006; Sandro Bonazzola nesc-1.2.1.ebuild: Fix category error in eerror message during setup phase. *nesc-1.2.1 (22 Jan 2006) 22 Jan 2006; Sandro Bonazzola +metadata.xml, +nesc-1.2.1.ebuild: New ebuild, thanks to Johannes Ballé, Aurélien Francillon and Daniel Black. Close bug #78907.