# ChangeLog for sys-process/numactl # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/numactl/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2007/05/11 08:59:20 robbat2 Exp $ *numactl-0.9.11 (11 May 2007) 11 May 2007; Robin H. Johnson +files/numactl-0.9.11-make-jobs.patch, +numactl-0.9.11.ebuild: Version bump, with fix from bug #174402 for parallel-safety in makefiles. *numactl-0.9.10 (01 May 2007) 01 May 2007; Robin H. Johnson +numactl-0.9.10.ebuild: Version bump. *numactl-0.9.9 (16 Jul 2006) 16 Jul 2006; Robin H. Johnson +numactl-0.9.9.ebuild: Version bump, test cleanup. *numactl-0.9.8 (02 Jun 2006) 02 Jun 2006; Robin H. Johnson +metadata.xml, +numactl-0.9.8.ebuild: Initial commit, based on ebuild submitted in bug #114686, thanks to Philippe Troin .