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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/akismet/class.akismet-cli.php')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/akismet/class.akismet-cli.php b/plugins/akismet/class.akismet-cli.php
index b0b48367..9cbe7a92 100644
--- a/plugins/akismet/class.akismet-cli.php
+++ b/plugins/akismet/class.akismet-cli.php
@@ -88,4 +88,98 @@ class Akismet_CLI extends WP_CLI_Command {
WP_CLI::line( sprintf( _n( "%d comment could not be checked.", "%d comments could not be checked.", $total_counts['error'], 'akismet' ), number_format( $total_counts['error'] ) ) );
+ /**
+ * Fetches stats from the Akismet API.
+ *
+ * ## OPTIONS
+ *
+ * [<interval>]
+ * : The time period for which to retrieve stats.
+ * ---
+ * default: all
+ * options:
+ * - days
+ * - months
+ * - all
+ * ---
+ *
+ * [--format=<format>]
+ * : Allows overriding the output of the command when listing connections.
+ * ---
+ * default: table
+ * options:
+ * - table
+ * - json
+ * - csv
+ * - yaml
+ * - count
+ * ---
+ *
+ * [--summary]
+ * : When set, will display a summary of the stats.
+ *
+ *
+ * wp akismet stats
+ * wp akismet stats all
+ * wp akismet stats days
+ * wp akismet stats months
+ * wp akismet stats all --summary
+ */
+ public function stats( $args, $assoc_args ) {
+ $api_key = Akismet::get_api_key();
+ if ( empty( $api_key ) ) {
+ WP_CLI::error( __( 'API key must be set to fetch stats.', 'akismet' ) );
+ }
+ switch ( $args[0] ) {
+ case 'days':
+ $interval = '60-days';
+ break;
+ case 'months':
+ $interval = '6-months';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $interval = 'all';
+ break;
+ }
+ $response = Akismet::http_post(
+ Akismet::build_query( array(
+ 'blog' => get_option( 'home' ),
+ 'key' => $api_key,
+ 'from' => $interval,
+ ) ),
+ 'get-stats'
+ );
+ if ( empty( $response[1] ) ) {
+ WP_CLI::error( __( 'Currently unable to fetch stats. Please try again.', 'akismet' ) );
+ }
+ $response_body = json_decode( $response[1], true );
+ if ( is_null( $response_body ) ) {
+ WP_CLI::error( __( 'Stats response could not be decoded.', 'akismet' ) );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $assoc_args['summary'] ) ) {
+ $keys = array(
+ 'spam',
+ 'ham',
+ 'missed_spam',
+ 'false_positives',
+ 'accuracy',
+ 'time_saved',
+ );
+ WP_CLI\Utils\format_items( $assoc_args['format'], array( $response_body ), $keys );
+ }
+ else {
+ $stats = $response_body['breakdown'];
+ WP_CLI\Utils\format_items( $assoc_args['format'], $stats, array_keys( end( $stats ) ) );
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file