diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-site-settings-v1-3-endpoint.php')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-site-settings-v1-3-endpoint.php b/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-site-settings-v1-3-endpoint.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52a3a148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-site-settings-v1-3-endpoint.php
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+new WPCOM_JSON_API_Site_Settings_V1_3_Endpoint( array(
+ 'description' => 'Get detailed settings information about a site.',
+ 'group' => '__do_not_document',
+ 'stat' => 'sites:X',
+ 'min_version' => '1.3',
+ 'method' => 'GET',
+ 'path' => '/sites/%s/settings',
+ 'path_labels' => array(
+ '$site' => '(int|string) Site ID or domain',
+ ),
+ 'query_parameters' => array(
+ 'context' => false,
+ ),
+ 'response_format' => WPCOM_JSON_API_Site_Settings_Endpoint::$site_format,
+ 'example_request' => '',
+) );
+new WPCOM_JSON_API_Site_Settings_V1_3_Endpoint( array(
+ 'description' => 'Update settings for a site.',
+ 'group' => '__do_not_document',
+ 'stat' => 'sites:X',
+ 'min_version' => '1.3',
+ 'method' => 'POST',
+ 'path' => '/sites/%s/settings',
+ 'path_labels' => array(
+ '$site' => '(int|string) Site ID or domain',
+ ),
+ 'request_format' => array(
+ 'blogname' => '(string) Blog name',
+ 'blogdescription' => '(string) Blog description',
+ 'default_pingback_flag' => '(bool) Notify blogs linked from article?',
+ 'default_ping_status' => '(bool) Allow link notifications from other blogs?',
+ 'default_comment_status' => '(bool) Allow comments on new articles?',
+ 'blog_public' => '(string) Site visibility; -1: private, 0: discourage search engines, 1: allow search engines',
+ 'jetpack_sync_non_public_post_stati' => '(bool) allow sync of post and pages with non-public posts stati',
+ 'jetpack_relatedposts_enabled' => '(bool) Enable related posts?',
+ 'jetpack_relatedposts_show_headline' => '(bool) Show headline in related posts?',
+ 'jetpack_relatedposts_show_thumbnails' => '(bool) Show thumbnails in related posts?',
+ 'jetpack_search_enabled' => '(bool) Enable Jetpack Search',
+ 'jetpack_search_supported' => '(bool) Jetpack Search supported',
+ 'jetpack_protect_whitelist' => '(array) List of IP addresses to whitelist',
+ 'infinite_scroll' => '(bool) Support infinite scroll of posts?',
+ 'default_category' => '(int) Default post category',
+ 'default_post_format' => '(string) Default post format',
+ 'require_name_email' => '(bool) Require comment authors to fill out name and email?',
+ 'comment_registration' => '(bool) Require users to be registered and logged in to comment?',
+ 'close_comments_for_old_posts' => '(bool) Automatically close comments on old posts?',
+ 'close_comments_days_old' => '(int) Age at which to close comments',
+ 'thread_comments' => '(bool) Enable threaded comments?',
+ 'thread_comments_depth' => '(int) Depth to thread comments',
+ 'page_comments' => '(bool) Break comments into pages?',
+ 'comments_per_page' => '(int) Number of comments to display per page',
+ 'default_comments_page' => '(string) newest|oldest Which page of comments to display first',
+ 'comment_order' => '(string) asc|desc Order to display comments within page',
+ 'comments_notify' => '(bool) Email me when someone comments?',
+ 'moderation_notify' => '(bool) Email me when a comment is helf for moderation?',
+ 'social_notifications_like' => '(bool) Email me when someone likes my post?',
+ 'social_notifications_reblog' => '(bool) Email me when someone reblogs my post?',
+ 'social_notifications_subscribe' => '(bool) Email me when someone follows my blog?',
+ 'comment_moderation' => '(bool) Moderate comments for manual approval?',
+ 'comment_whitelist' => '(bool) Moderate comments unless author has a previously-approved comment?',
+ 'comment_max_links' => '(int) Moderate comments that contain X or more links',
+ 'moderation_keys' => '(string) Words or phrases that trigger comment moderation, one per line',
+ 'blacklist_keys' => '(string) Words or phrases that mark comment spam, one per line',
+ 'lang_id' => '(int) ID for language blog is written in',
+ 'locale' => '(string) locale code for language blog is written in',
+ 'wga' => '(array) Google Analytics Settings',
+ 'disabled_likes' => '(bool) Are likes globally disabled (they can still be turned on per post)?',
+ 'disabled_reblogs' => '(bool) Are reblogs disabled on posts?',
+ 'jetpack_comment_likes_enabled' => '(bool) Are comment likes enabled for all comments?',
+ 'sharing_button_style' => '(string) Style to use for sharing buttons (icon-text, icon, text, or official)',
+ 'sharing_label' => '(string) Label to use for sharing buttons, e.g. "Share this:"',
+ 'sharing_show' => '(string|array:string) Post type or array of types where sharing buttons are to be displayed',
+ 'sharing_open_links' => '(string) Link target for sharing buttons (same or new)',
+ 'twitter_via' => '(string) Twitter username to include in tweets when people share using the Twitter button',
+ 'jetpack-twitter-cards-site-tag' => '(string) The Twitter username of the owner of the site\'s domain.',
+ 'eventbrite_api_token' => '(int) The Keyring token ID for an Eventbrite token to associate with the site',
+ 'timezone_string' => '(string) PHP-compatible timezone string like \'UTC-5\'',
+ 'gmt_offset' => '(int) Site offset from UTC in hours',
+ 'date_format' => '(string) PHP Date-compatible date format',
+ 'time_format' => '(string) PHP Date-compatible time format',
+ 'start_of_week' => '(int) Starting day of week (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday)',
+ 'jetpack_testimonial' => '(bool) Whether testimonial custom post type is enabled for the site',
+ 'jetpack_testimonial_posts_per_page' => '(int) Number of testimonials to show per page',
+ 'jetpack_portfolio' => '(bool) Whether portfolio custom post type is enabled for the site',
+ 'jetpack_portfolio_posts_per_page' => '(int) Number of portfolio projects to show per page',
+ Jetpack_SEO_Utils::FRONT_PAGE_META_OPTION => '(string) The SEO meta description for the site.',
+ Jetpack_SEO_Titles::TITLE_FORMATS_OPTION => '(array) SEO meta title formats. Allowed keys: front_page, posts, pages, groups, archives',
+ 'verification_services_codes' => '(array) Website verification codes. Allowed keys: google, pinterest, bing, yandex',
+ 'amp_is_enabled' => '(bool) Whether AMP is enabled for this site',
+ 'podcasting_archive' => '(string) The post category, if any, used for publishing podcasts',
+ 'site_icon' => '(int) Media attachment ID to use as site icon. Set to zero or an otherwise empty value to clear',
+ 'api_cache' => '(bool) Turn on/off the Jetpack JSON API cache',
+ 'posts_per_page' => '(int) Number of posts to show on blog pages',
+ 'posts_per_rss' => '(int) Number of posts to show in the RSS feed',
+ 'rss_use_excerpt' => '(bool) Whether the RSS feed will use post excerpts',
+ ),
+ 'response_format' => array(
+ 'updated' => '(array)'
+ ),
+ 'example_request' => '',
+) );
+class WPCOM_JSON_API_Site_Settings_V1_3_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Site_Settings_V1_2_Endpoint {
+ protected function get_defaults() {
+ return array(
+ 'code' => '',
+ 'anonymize_ip' => false,
+ 'ec_track_purchases' => false,
+ 'ec_track_add_to_cart' => false
+ );
+ }
+ function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0 ) {
+ add_filter( 'site_settings_endpoint_get', array( $this, 'filter_site_settings_endpoint_get' ) );
+ add_filter( 'site_settings_update_wga', array( $this, 'filter_update_google_analytics' ), 10, 2 );
+ return parent::callback( $path, $blog_id );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filter the parent's response to include the fields
+ * added to 1.3 (and their defaults)
+ */
+ public function filter_site_settings_endpoint_get( $settings ) {
+ $option_name = defined( 'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM ? 'wga' : 'jetpack_wga';
+ $option = get_option( $option_name, array() );
+ $settings[ 'wga' ] = wp_parse_args( $option, $this->get_defaults() );
+ return $settings;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filter the parent's response to consume our new fields
+ */
+ public function filter_update_google_analytics( $wga, $new_values ) {
+ $wga_keys = array_keys( $this->get_defaults() );
+ foreach ( $wga_keys as $wga_key ) {
+ // Skip code since the parent class has handled it
+ if ( 'code' === $wga_key ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // All our new keys are booleans, so let's coerce each key's value
+ // before updating the value in settings
+ if ( array_key_exists( $wga_key, $new_values ) ) {
+ $wga[ $wga_key ] = WPCOM_JSON_API::is_truthy( $new_values[ $wga_key ] );
+ }
+ }
+ return $wga;
+ }